We have nothing to fear from love and commitment



紐約州參議員Diane Savino想要講的邏輯很簡單,就是同性戀婚姻合法與否,是法律問題,不是宗教問題。今天就算同性戀婚姻合法,教會依舊可以說他們反對此舉,拒絕替同性戀證婚。教會有這樣的權利,但是政府沒有,也不應該有。兩個人決定攜手共度餘生,市政府扮演的角色是見證他們之間婚姻的這個法律契約,而不是去判斷這兩人適不適合,或是這兩人的結合有沒有聖潔。

"That's what we've done to marriage in America, where young women are socialized from the time they're five years old to think being nothing but a bride... They don't spend five minutes thinking about what it means to be a wife. People stand up there before God and men - even in Senator Diez's church - they swear to love, honor, and obey. They don't mean a word of it."
這段話我聽完之後真的是很心虛,因為我就是那個天天在幻想自己結婚要穿什麼、請帖要怎麼設計、禮堂裡面要擺什麼花的白癡。仔細想想如果每個結婚的人在覆述 "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part" 的時候,都只是照本宣科言不由衷,那還真是挺嚇人的。

"We have nothing to fear from people who are committed to each other, who wanna share their lives and protect one another in the event of sickness, illness, or death. We have nothing to fear from love and commitment."


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