
這是Collaborative Projects in Performing Arts的期中作業。

跟我同組的Katie看了一本書An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness,作者Kay Jamison,基本上是本bi-polar(精神分裂?)患者的自傳。Amazon的review如是說:

In Touched with Fire, Kay Redfield Jamison, a psychiatrist, turned a mirror on the creativity so often associated with mental illness. In this book she turns that mirror on herself. With breathtaking honesty she tells of her own manic depression, the bitter costs of her illness, and its paradoxical benefits: "There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness and terror involved in this kind of madness.... It will never end, for madness carves its own reality." This is one of the best scientific autobiographies ever written, a combination of clarity, truth, and insight into human character. "We are all, as Byron put it, differently organized," Jamison writes. "We each move within the restraints of our temperament and live up only partially to its possibilities." Jamison's ability to live fully within her limitations is an inspiration to her fellow mortals, whatever our particular burdens may be. --Mary Ellen Curtin

Katie在倫敦的朋友Andrew Goldman作曲,然後我亂跳亂編輯一通,成品變成這個樣子。


  1. 好迷離頹蕩的風格
    音樂 演出 剪輯都很棒


  2. 我自己是很喜歡那個音樂啦,剪輯的話就是只要有iMovie人人都可以是剪輯高手。



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