
Showing posts from January, 2010


能做的我都做了,我想。剩下的也不是我可以決定的。 那也只能告老還鄉,修身養性去了。 反正遲早都得面對的。 "可是她那個個性喔,實在是太爛了。" 卡莉與我的交會點。 個性爛不是一天兩天的事,尤其在親近的人身上更是變本加厲無法無天。後來我才曉得,這種事情只有爸媽會無條件地忍受我,其他人才不會。即使是男朋友或丈夫也是一樣。 要改也不是一天兩天的事。卸甲歸田去,等修煉有成再看吧。


耶誕節在Target採購買到的貨,據說是可以預防拇趾外翻,喜歡穿尖頭鞋的Ariel說很有用。我自己不穿尖頭鞋,但是高跟舞鞋常常很擠腳,所以還是快樂地放到購物車裡。 目前有沒有用還看不出來,只是穿在腳上看起來實在是很幽默,好像剛除完毛的大腳哈利。

Utterly Unbearable

5:45 pm, Exit 1. A text no one responded. Wind chill. People passing by. Waiting is not a terrible thing. What's horrifying is what you're waiting for. You don't know what you're going to see, or whether you'll see anything. Standing behind the tree. Hide and seek. Me and the wind. 6:15 pm, Exit 1. A call no one answered. Tiny rain drops. Coat buttoned up. Sweater boots on my feet. Damp hair. Cold toes. Freezing hands. Men looked at me with curiosity, women with neglect. Wind chill diminished. For a moment, I felt warm. Patience. Smile. Waiting. 6:45 pm, Exit 2. Call returned. Heart shattered. The wind found me. No where to hide. 7:00 pm, Exit 2. Distant. Detached. Unfamiliar. And that, my dear. That's what makes the waiting and the wind chill and the cold so... So utterly unbearable.